WAC Committee

The University WAC Committee is composed of Appalachian faculty members from various disciplines who advise the WAC program and Gen Ed. Council about matters concerning Composition, WID, and other writing courses. 

2024-2025 WAC Committee

2023-2024 WAC Committee

Elizabeth Carrol, Chair (WAC Program Director) carrollel@appstate.edu 

Sarah Zurhellen (WAC Assistant Director) zurhellenss@appstate.edu

Ellen Lamont (Sociology) lamontec@appstate.edu

Ellen Lamont headshotEllen Lamont is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from New York University, an M.A. in International Relations from the University of Chicago, and a B.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. Her research examines how gender and sexuality shape intimate relationships in a variety of contexts. She is the author of The Mating Game: How Gender Still Shapes How We Date with University of California Press. Her work has been published in Gender & SocietyMen & Masculinities, and Sociological Forum and covered by news outlets such as The Atlantic, BBC, Cosmopolitan, and The New York Times. She is currently working on a new project on gender, work, and family in Appalachia funded by grants from the American Sociological Association and the University Research Council. Ellen teaches courses on gender, family, and intimate relationships. She was inducted into the College of Arts and Sciences Academy of Outstanding Teachers in 2018 and awarded Teacher of the Year in 2019. She is currently the honors coordinator for the department.

Marc Kissel (Anthropology) kisselm@appstate.edu

Marc Kissel headshotMarc Kissel is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology. He studies the evolution of modern humans and the processes by which hominins became human; the evolutionary arc of human warfare, Neandertal behavior; quantitative genetics; computer modeling; semiotics; and paleoanthropological theory











Joe Klein (Communication Sciences and Disorders) kleinjf@appstate.edu

Joe Klein headshotJoe Klein, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, is an Assistant Professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. Joe teaches classes in fluency disorders and research methods and supervises therapy for people who stutter. Joe has presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and The National Stuttering Association annual conventions in the United States and for Friends: The Association of Young People who Stutter in India and the US. He has also published articles about stuttering in Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders,Perspectives in Fluency Disorders, and The Journal of Fluency Disorders. Joe’s research interests are in the areas of support and therapy for people who stutter. Joe lives in Boone, NC with his wife, Holly, and children, Zachary, Greta, Emaline, and Abraham. 



2021-2023 WAC Committee

Elizabeth Carrol, Chair (WAC Program Director) carrollel@appstate.edu 

Sarah Zurhellen (WAC Assistant Director) zurhellenss@appstate.edu

Ellen Lamont (Sociology) lamontec@appstate.edu

Joe Klein (Communication Sciences and Disorders) kleinjf@appstate.edu

Tonya Coffey (Physics and Astronomy) coffeyts@appstate.edu


2021-2022 WAC Committee

Elizabeth Carrol, Chair (WAC Program Director) carrollel@appstate.edu 

Sarah Zurhellen (WAC Assistant Director) zurhellenss@appstate.edu 

Joe Klein (Communication Sciences and Disorders) kleinjf@appstate.edu

Tonya Coffey (Physics and Astronomy) coffeyts@appstate.edu

Beth Fiske (Nursing) fiskeea@appstate.edu


2019-2020 WAC Committee

Georgia Rhoades, Chair (WAC Program Director) rhoadesgd@appstate.edu (Fall 2019) | Elizabeth Carrol, Chair (WAC Program Director) carrollel@appstate.edu (Spring 2020)

Sherry Alusow Hart (Assessment Director for WAC) hartsa@appstate.edu (Fall 2019) | Sarah Zurhellen (WAC Assistant Director) zurhellenss@appstate.edu (Spring 2020)

Joe Klein (Communication Sciences and Disorders) kleinjf@appstate.edu

Tonya Coffey (Physics and Astronomy) coffeyts@appstate.edu

Beth Fiske (Nursing) fiskeea@appstate.edu

2017-2019 WAC Committee

Georgia Rhoades, Chair (WAC Program Director) rhoadesgd@appstate.edu

Sherry Alusow Hart (Assessment Director for WAC) hartsa@appstate.edu

Joe Klein (Communication Sciences and Disorders) kleinjf@appstate.edu

Tonya Coffey (Physics and Astronomy) coffeyts@appstate.edu

Aleksander Lust (Government and Justice Studies) lusta@appstate.edu


Georgia Rhoades, Chair (WAC Program Director) rhoadesgd@appstate.edu

Sherry Alusow Hart (Assessment Director for WAC) hartsa@appstate.edu 

Joe Klien (Communication Sciences and Disorders) kleinjk@appstate.edu

Kim Priode (Nursing) priodek@appstate.edu

Kim Becnel (Library Science) becnelke@appstate.edu


2015-2016 Committee Members

Georgia Rhoades, Chair (WAC Program Director) rhoadesgd@appstate.edu

Sherry Alusow Hart (Assessment Director for WAC) hartsa@appstate.edu

Joe Klein (Communication Sciences and Disorders) kleinjf@appstate.edu

Kim Priode (Nursing) priodeks@appstate.edu

Leslie Cook (English) cookls@appstate.edu


2014-2015 Committee Members

Georgia Rhoades, Chair (WAC Program Director) rhoadesgd@appstate.edu

Sherry Alusow Hart (Assessment Director for WAC; WAC Program Interim Director, Spring 2014) hartsa@appstate.edu 

Dee Parks (Computer Science) parksda@appstate.edu

Ila Prouty (Art) proutyi@appstate.edu

Jeff Tiller (Technology and Environmental Design) tillerjs@appstate.edu 

Amanda Finn (WAC Consultant) finnae1@appstate.edu


2013-2014 Committee Members

Sherry Alusow Hart, Chair (WAC Assessment) hartsa@appstate.edu

Dee Parks (Computer Science) parksda@appstate.edu 

Jeff Tiller (Technology & Environmental Design) tillerjs@appstate.edu

Ila Prouty (Art) proutyi@appstate.edu

2011-2013 Committee Members

Georgia Rhoades, Chair (WAC Program Director) rhoadesgd@appstate.edu

Bob Heath (Curriculum & Instruction) heathrr@appstate.edu 

Gabe Fankhauser (Music) fankhauserg@appstate.edu

Jammie Price (Sociology) pricejl@appstate.edu

Sherry Alusow Hart (WAC Assessment)  hartsa@appstate.edu


2010-2011 Committee Members

Georgia Rhoades, Chair (WAC Program Director) rhoadesgd@appstate.edu

Bob Heath (Curriculum and Instruction) heathrr@appstate.edu

Jessica Wood (Anthropology) woodj@appstate.edu

Carla Meyer, (Language, Reading, and Exceptionalities) meyerck@appstate.edu

Sherry Alusow Hart (WAC Assessment) hartsa@appstate.edu

2009-2010 Committee Members

Georgia Rhoades, Chair (WAC Program Director) rhoadesgd@appstate.edu

Sherry Alusow Hart (WAC Assessment) hartsa@appstate.edu

Jammie Price (Sociology) pricejl@appstate.edu

Susan Perry (Health, Leisure and Exercise Science) perryss@appstate.edu

Gabe Fankhauser (Music) fankhauser@appstate.edu


2008-2009 Committee Members

Georgia Rhoades, Chair (WAC Program, Director) rhoadesgd@appstate.edu

Ray Williams (Biology) willmsrs@appstate.edu

Jammie Price (Sociology) pricejl@appstate.edu

Anna Ward (Theater and Dance) wardag@appstate.edu

Sherry Alusow Hart (WAC Assessment) hartsa@appstate.edu