The third-year writing requirement at Appalachian State University is satisfied by a Writing in the Disciplines (WID)/Writing in the Major course. These 3000-level courses are offered in disciplinary departments; they are reviewed and approved by the WAC Committee and the General Education Council.
For assistance determining how your course goals and outcomes align with those of the vertical writing curriculum, consider using our WID SLO Exercise Worksheet.
WID Student Learning Outcomes:
- Apply proficiencies from first- and second-year writing courses.
- Write effectively in the genres of the discipline.
- Demonstrate rhetorical knowledge in reading and analyzing texts to produce effective writing in the discipline.
- Document correctly in the conventions of the discipline.
- Reflect on semester's writing and learning with emphasis on writing within the discipline.
General Education WID Requirements:
- The course will require students to write in formats appropriate to the discipline.
- The course will require reading and analyzing texts to produce effective writing in the discipline.
- The course will require students to document correctly in the conventions of the discipline.
- The course will require students to reflect on the semester's writing and learning with emphasis on writing in the discipline.
- The course will be identified as a WID course in the syllabus and description.
Guidelines for Third-Year Writing Courses
Based on the recommendations of the Gen Ed Task Force, the WAC Program and the WAC Committee suggest these guidelines for departments creating WID courses:
- Course materials should represent an introduction to writing in the field.
- Students should analyze landmark disciplinary texts as a step toward their own writing.
- Texts and formats should represent the scope of writing in the field.
- The course should include a variety of writing assignments that represent the writing formats of the field.
- The course should include an introduction to research methods and documentation in the field.
- Teaching strategies should include an awareness of process writing (students write and receive feedback on multiple drafts).
- The course should include low- and high-stakes writing.
- Revision opportunities for high stakes writing (portfolio assessment is recommended)
- Reflective writing
- Collaborative writing and peer revision and editing opportunities
- Connections to Vertical Writing Model through WAC and department conversations with faculty teaching sophomore and capstone writing
- Writing assessment plan within major which addresses Gen Ed goals and outcomes
- Class size: the Gen Ed Task Force Report suggested a 22-student maximum for writing courses at the junior level. This requirement might be met through teaching modules and writing sections for large classes where necessary.
Options: Some departments and programs may offer multiple courses to satisfy the requirements for writing courses.
ePortfolios: Faculty teaching courses in the vertical writing curriculum are encouraged to use ePortfolios as a tool for students to collect and reflect on their writing and growth throughout their GenEd writing experience.