Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy (Fall 2025)
To continue the conversation about the important role that linguistic justice plays in our writing programs and classes, the WAC Program is pleased to offer a book club style reading and discussion of April Baker-Bell's Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identiy, and Pedagogy. If you're interested in joining this group, please sign up here. The schedule is TBD based on participants' schedules.
Teaching and Generative AI: Pedagogical Possibilities and Productive Tensions (AY2024-2025)
Thanks to the generous support of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success, we are excited to offer a book club style reading and discussion of Teaching and Generative AI: Pedagogical Possibilities and Productive Tensions. This book is divided into 6 sections and a total of 35 chapters. As a group, we will design a reading list focused on those chapters of most interest to participants. If you're interested in joining this group, please sign up here. All group discussion will offered in hybrid format, with the schedule TBD based on participants' schedules.
Skim, Dive, Surface: Teaching Digital Reading (Fall 2022)
Thanks to the generous support of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success, we are excited to offer a book club style reading and discussion of Jenae Cohn's Skim, Dive, Surface: Teaching Digital Reading. This book is divided into 3 parts + an introduction. We will read the introduction prior to our first meeting, which will be a guided conversation about the introduction and about how we've all experienced shifts in reading materials, practices, and habits over the course of our lives and a consideration of what this means for students today. The following 3 meetings will cover each of the 3 parts, with the goal that participants use what they learn from reading and talking to implement or revise one reading assignment or activity in one of their classes and share those plans with others at our final meeting. If you're interested in joining this group, please sign up here.
Writing Assessment, Social Justice, and the Advancement of Opportunity (Spring 2021)
The Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Program invites members of the campus community to join in a book club style reading and discussion of the edited collection, Writing Assessment, Social Justice, and the Advancement of Opportunity, (Poe, M., Inoue, A.B, Elliot, N. eds., 2018). The book is broken into 4 sections that may appeal to different campus audiences. The book is available online for free or the WAC program does have a few hard copies available. Here is a proposed schedule based on the sections of the book. We hope that in designing this bookclub in this way, we can engage multiple stakeholders across Appalachian’s campus in these important discussions, and we encourage you to join us for the part of the conversation that is most interesting to you or has the most impact on your work. Please use this link to register.
Labor-Based Grading Contracts: Building Equity and Inclusion in the Compassionate Writing Classroom (Spring 2021)
Thanks to funding from the CAE, the Rhetoric and Composition Program and Writing Across the Curriculum Program will host 2 book clubs focused on Asao B. Inoue's Labor-Based Grading Contracts: Building Equity and Inclusion in the Compassionate Writing Classroom. Belinda Walzer is organizing and leading the RC reading group for RC faculty, and Sarah Zurhellen is organizing and leading the WAC reading group for any interested faculty from across campus. If you're interested in participating in one of these reading groups, please fill out this short form, and we will contact you soon with more information about scheduling and picking up your copy of the book. Please use this link to register.