
The Writing Across the Curriculum Program (WAC) offers support to the vertical writing model of the General Education curriculum at Appalachian and for writing instruction at other institutions as well as writing outreach.  WAC offers faculty development for the Composition Program, First Year Seminar, and Writing in the Disciplines at the junior and capstone level and through “Don’t Cancel That Class.” WAC also encourages dialogue between writing teachers at universities and community colleges as well as community groups that foster literacy. WAC offers faculty in all disciplines opportunities to talk about writing instruction in their fields and to develop pedagogical strategies for reaching their goals in writing instruction and assessment. These opportunities include individual consultations with the directors or WAC consultants, workshops, special institutes, and the WID consultant program. WAC also conducts assessment for the vertical writing model. WAC supports writing faculty in NC Community Colleges in their development of WAC courses through a variety of outreach projects, including the Writing Across Institutions Conference, established in 2009. The WAC directors and staff are active scholars who participate in national and international conversations about the teaching of writing. Outreach programs include Writers’ Café and Women’s Writing Pilgrimage.