Please join us for the 12th annual Writing Across Institutions Conference on Appalachian's campus on Friday, April 3, from 9-4. We'll share WAC resources and participate in workshops with our keynote speaker, Dr. Georgia Rhoades, founding director of Writing Across the Curriculum of Appalachian State University. Community college faculty will also present on featured topics such as the RISE initiative and Early College. (If you are interested in specific information or resources related to RISE or Early College, please let us know. We will do our best to meet those needs.)
Due to increased interest in WAI, especially with the impending RISE implementation, we will be limiting registration to two participants per college. Please email Kelly Terzaken ( with any names you would like put on a wait list. If there is space available, names will be added to the conference list on a first-come, first-served basis as we get closer to the time of the conference.
Also, if you would like for WAC Consultants to visit your institution, please let us know. We are happy to tailor a session based on college needs. If a face-to-face visit isn't possible, we also have the ability to host a Zoom event, which enables participants to attend from anywhere.
Please register here by March 13th. We're looking forward to seeing you.