WAC presents at EATAW

This summer, WAC consultants Julie Karaus, Kelly Terzaken, and Sarah Zurhellen traveled to Gothenberg, Sweden to participate in 10th conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW). Hosted by Chalmers University of Technology, the conference participants to investigate "Academic writing at intersections: Interdisciplinarity, genre hybridization, multilingualism, digitalization, and interculturality." Karaus, Terzaken, and Zurhellen represented AppState's Writing Across the Curriculum Program by "Addressing Genre Across the Curriculum: Writing Center and WAC Program Collaboration" in which they facilitated a conversation about the following:

  • How local contexts are related to or informed by more global transformations in writing studies
  • How local environments shape institutionalized discourses about writing and the kinds of expertise we can bring to bear on those discourses
  • How our shared experiences can be adapted to other local contexts at others’ home institutions 

This is the fourth time that AppState's Writing Across the Curriculum Program has been represented at EATAW. Former WAC graduate assistant, Dr. Erin Zimmerman, Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition at the American University of Beirut, is on EATAW's Board.

WAC consultants and conference presenters (from left): Julie Karaus, Kelly Terzaken, Sarah Zurhellen
Published: Sep 11, 2019 4:03pm
